IV Drip Hydration

  • The PDX Special - $250

    All the deliciousness your body needs to replenish and revitalize! This is our most popular concoction. You’ll be superhuman after this amazing rehydration treatment!

  • The Fountain of youth Beauty Cocktail – $175

    Relax and enjoy this mixture of all the good stuff to give you silky smooth skin, stronger hair and nails, and increase your energy level. We’ve even added a special immunity boost!

  • The Morning After Hangover Cure – $150

    Party a little too hard? No worries. We’ve got you covered with our special mixture of all the things you need to feel better fast!

  • Weight Loss Recipe - $175

    Kick off your weight loss journey with this amazing cocktail to rev up your metabolism and give you extra energy for those kick ass workouts!

  • Immune Therapy IV - $175

    Feeling blah, recovering from a virus, or just want to boost your immunity? This drip is for you!